Benjamin’s JOLLY and BRIGHT Christmas

It’s been such a wonderful season in Ben’s life. He is just so happy, and talkative, and joyous.  Coming off of one of the worst years of dangerous face breaking seizures, it’s so wonderful to see him happy and joyful again.  He’s still having seizures, pretty much just as often, but thankfully none that have injured him in many months. (Something we have been specifically praying for, so THANK YOU LORD!)  I wanted to share some photos and events with Autism Momma fanbase, (which is currently mostly just people we know, but who knows LOL). Plus, I find it increasingly important to write about and document, different seasons we go through, seasons of sorrow and heartache, and seasons great Joy.  It helps, to be able to go back, and see where we have been, and know that the hard times are temporary, and the good times can be looked forward too.

I feel like this period of increased Joy and talkativeness came before the VNS procedure, so I can’t really say that did anything to cause it.  It’s usually pretty impossible to say what does or does not contribute to his health, happiness and attitude. But the JOY level really picked up once the Christmas Tree arrived!

Ben was so excited to find his face on an ornament!!
Looking at Christmas lights! With Grandma!
Elijah helping Ben use the Wii control! So sweet!

It’s Ben’s Job and tradition for Benjamin to unwrapped all of the ornaments and get them ready to put on the tree. He loves to do it, and does it with much enthusiasm.  (which is why we have no more breakable ornaments).  He unwrapped one of the many with his picture on it, and he got SOOOOOOO excited!!  He jumped up and down, and said over and over, “It’s Me! It’s Me!” I had not seen him that happy in years.  I cried with Joy.  As I grow in parenting Benjamin, my hopes or expectations for his milestones or developmental stages reached, or approached fade, and my greatest HOPE for him is to be happy.  So as you imagine, this was a big deal to me.  Throughout the season he has continued to show great Joy, and happiness.  Dancing, jumping, playing like he hasn’t in years.  I wish I was able to get more of it on video, but as soon as I take the phone out to take a picture, he stops!!  I’ll include as many photos as I can, and even though he’s not smiling in most of them, he was at some point (usually right before the photo was taken).  And then, yesterday we had a FIRST!!  I just LOVE Firsts.  Ben said, “Holiday Party at school” BEFORE school on Friday.  He was TELLING US something that had not happened yet, but that he was looking forward to.  Wow!!  We celebrate every NEW thing, and that was so cool! So MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my Autism Momma friends!  May you all experience Joy like Benjamin this holiday season.  

2 thoughts on “Benjamin’s JOLLY and BRIGHT Christmas

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